Change is difficult. It takes tremendous courage to break the patterns of alcohol and/or drug abuse. The First Steps Program can help you take those first steps to build and maintain a healthy, independent family life. We’ll help you to ensure your children are in a safe and stable home and prevent future births of alcohol or drug exposed children.
First Step’s Advocates support mothers in:
• Obtaining alcohol/drug treatment
• Staying in recovery
• Setting goals and identifying steps to achieve them
• Choosing a family planning method
• Accessing child health care and immunizations
• Connecting with community services
• Accessing transportation to important appointments
• Solving housing and child custody issues
• Addressing domestic violence
• Resolving system service barriers
We recognize that change is difficult. Mothers are not asked to leave the program if they relapse or experience setbacks, instead, advocates will stay with mothers for three years to provide extensive practical assistance and the long-term emotional support that is so important to women who are making fundamental changes in their lives.
Is First Steps for you?
Call to find out more about the program if you answer yes to all four of the following.
• am pregnant or have a baby under the age of 12 months
• have used alcohol and/or other substances during my pregnancy
• lack connections to other community services
• wish to make changes in my life.
“[FS Advocate] supports me in every way.”
“[FS Advocate] was very easy to warm up to, also very understanding, and very helpful.”
“It’s a great combination of one-on-one support and community support. It really helps to build a client’s network of supports, as well as their confidence in themselves.”